Saturday, November 13, 2010
You know to not stay at this hotel when:
This post is a bit of an ode to travel sites that don't give you quite the whole story about that hotel you just booked. You see, My family took a trip to Virginia for the weekend and needed someplace to stay. The logical 21st century progression of events ensued and my dear mother booked a room on travelocity, or expedia, or some other wittily named website that is supposed to save you money and make everyone happy. The problem with this scenario is that (insert name of witty website here) lied. (Disclaimer*** this entire situation could have been user error but I'm trying to give my flesh and blood mother the benefit of the doubt.) This hotel is not a 4 star beauty with all the modern amenities a girl could need. (Again, I have no idea if that's what the description for this hotel said, and I haven't been able to check for reasons I will expound upon later, but again, I'm giving my mother the benefit of the doubt that the description was something marketable and charming.) Here is a list that we composed of five things (all of which have happened to us within the last 48.5 hours) that may make you desire to move your reservation elsewhere.
1. You pull into the parking lot and see no other vehicles in sight. This is fine for midafternoon, since people are checking out and checking in and, well you get my point. This is not fine, however, for the late evening/night. If no one else is staying at this hotel, it is probably a pretty good sign you shouldn't either.
2. There are people painting the trim of the building purple and orange as you pull up to check in. I don't care what anybody says, purple and orange look ridiculous by themselves and tripley ridiculous together.
3. You have to ask for help getting your door open every time you "come home" because there seems to be some trick to getting the card and the machine aligned just perfectly.
4. The Internet is perpetually down. (this is the reason I still do not know what the description on the website said, though making this list has made me even more curious.)
5. There are NO other cars in the entire parking lot. I just felt the need to reiterate that because it is KEY to how totally sketchy this place actually is.
Ok, I am finished now. I had quite an urge to let the darkness within out and rant a little about American expectations, but I contained that monster. (You're welcome)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Two in one day... Wow
10 Resolutions:
1. At least once every day I shall look steadily up at the sky and remember that I, a consciousness with a conscience, am on a planet traveling in space with wonderfully mysterious things above and about me.
A hundred Million Pounds
I feel so weighed down. Tied around my wrists are balloons made of all the shock, confusion, horror, sadness, anger, hatred, pride, hopelessness, and general depravity I am battling. My heart weighs a hundred million pounds, and my ribs are shrinking over my lungs. The waves of turmoil have carried me out to the depths of the darkest sea and I flail about, trying to rid myself of all of my lead balloons. My chest keeps growing smaller and smaller, and as I gasp for breath only water fills my lungs. I tell myself that if I could just get loose of these balloons, I could float back up to the surface where my lungs can become drunk on oxygen again. The more I fight against my bonds, the faster I sink into the darkness of despair. "I can kick back up to the surface," I tell myself again and again. "My savior is waiting there for me." It is to no avail. The sunlight has disappeared behind the murk of the leagues of ocean. Darkness envelopes my already hazy consciousness and my last glimmers of hope fade to black. That's where I found him. When I was beyond life and beyond death, buried in the deepest and darkest of oceans, sinking against my will, he drew me towards him and breathed new life into me. My waterlogged lungs were made to breathe again and my bonds held new meaning as the mechanisms that brought me into the arms of my savior. He's never untied them- these lead balloons- but they are no longer a bondage to me, for he has picked me up and carries me in the palm of his hand, that I may never grow weary in this world but look to the hope of spending eternity looking upon his face.
As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all the day long, “Where is your God?” These things I remember, as I pour out my soul: how I would go with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God with glad shouts and songs of praise, a multitude keeping festival.Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. My soul is cast down within me; therefore I remember you from the land of Jordan and of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me. By day the LORD commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. I say to God, my rock: “Why have you forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?” As with a deadly wound in my bones, my adversaries taunt me, while they say to me all the day long, “Where is your God?”Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Sign of the Beaver
I had coffee with a good friend this morning (grande Americano with a pump of pumpkin spice) and though we talked about many incredible things, (he is one of my favorite conversationalists) I probably won't actually remember much of the conversation. I am positive though, that I will remember the color of the orange leaves against the perfectly crisp blue sky, and the way he squinted when the sun finally came up over the building behind me. I'll remember the shoes we wore and the glee I felt as we looked at the time and two hours had passed without us even realizing it. The taste of my next Americano will certainly elicit a similar emotional reaction.
Right now I am sitting next to a sunny window in the perfectly 1970's library, and my heart is so full of fondness that it will probably explode. I am a tiny bit afraid that if I get up from this chair, where all seems right with the world, that this moment will be over and lost forever. Then in a few months I will stumble across this post again, and the happiness and contentedness will flood back over me and I will be transported to that ethereal place of reminiscence.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I digress. I was reading in Job today. I started reading it because I was at a point in my life when I didn't feel like things could get any worse, and felt like I needed some perspective on that. Perhaps this is a bad reason to begin a study into a book of the Bible, but I did it anyways, and it has proven to be fruitful. (I mean, it IS the Bible, of course it is fruitful.) In chapter 32, a man named Elihu walks up on this scene of Job agonizing over his situation and his friends scolding him for the things he is saying. They tell him he is wrong, but they have no capability to correct him. Elihu flat out tells Job that he has been justifying himself rather than justifying God. (Insert a little bit of my seminary education here: justify does not mean to make just, but to declare just. So in Job justifying himself, he is making the claim that he is just, when in reality it is God who is just.) --That was a lot of justice--
How deeply I felt the sting of that comment. Every word that escapes from my lips, and 97% of my actions are meant to declare me just. I am obsessed with justifying myself. I am addicted, consumed, engrossed, infatuated. I wonder how different my life would look if I were instead fixated on declaring God's justice, rather than my own.
In two chapters, Elihu turns from rebuking Job and his friends, to declaring the glory of God and I am as excited as a kid who is about to get Lego Star Wars on Wii. For now, I shall contemplate the little bit of God that I understand and pray that my love for him will be radically grown and my justification will be Christocentric rather than egocentric.
(I hope this particular post does not reveal the true scatter-brainedness I am experiencing right now, but as I fear that it does, I apologize.)
Monday, September 13, 2010
wha-wha-wha- what!?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Start with Despair
"Bunyan went home rejoicing when he saw this his righteousness was outside himself. It was Jesus Christ. I pray that this will be your experience too. Where should you start? Start at the easiest place for those in darkness. Start with despair. Despair of finding an answer in yourself. I pray that you will cease from all efforts to look inside yourself for the rescue you need. I pray that you will do what only desperate people can do, namely, cast yourself on Christ. May you say to him, 'you are my only hope. I have no righteousness in myself. I am overwhelmed with sin and guilt. I am under the wrath of God. My conscience condemns me, and makes me miserable. I am perishing. Darkness is all about me. Have mercy upon me. I trust you.' . . . The light will rise in your darkness in due time. God will hold onto you )Jude 24). You will make it. The glory is coming. In the meantime [and this is possibly my favorite verse] 'this slightly momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to things that are seen, but to things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.' (2 Cor. 4:17-18)"It's easy to try and find hope in myself. It's even easier to pursue some sort of intellectual enlightenment, believing that it will be my hope. The only deserving object of our hope is Christ, who was crucified and resurrected. All others will fall short, leading only to despair.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Confessions of a ...
I feel like I lead three separate lives: one at school and etc., one at work, and one that really only exists in my head. They rarely coincide, despite the fact that I live all three in one day, and often even simultaneously. Today two of my worlds took shocking blows, right to the left eyebrow, and I've been left feeling nauseous and uncertain. The problem, however, is not really that I got punched in the face, because I am, by nature, a boxer. The problem arises in my attempts to address the ramifications of the shots, i.e, the blood dripping down my shirt. After the first hit I tried to get a little help stopping the blood and cleaning up the mess, but it was made infinitely worse. You see, the person I so eagerly pursued for help unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) elbowed me on the side of the face . (Now this analogy is getting confusing and beginning to fall apart, but I feel I must hold it together for the sake of my own security.) And this second blow crippled me. It ripped out all of my sanity and left me lying on the floor of an alternate reality. Nothing in the former reality was (or is) tangible, and this new reality is spinning in such a way that I can't get back up. My soul seems to hurt, and resentment for that elbow and its owner is quietly growing within me.
I don't like leaving things without conclusion, but that is where I am left.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Certain nostalgic emotion
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Two kids in a photograph.
I love this photograph. It is beautiful and I am proud of it. I am frightened and confused as to how some ink on a piece of paper provokes such a reaction within me, but I am amazed that God created us as such prodigiously complex beings who will never understand this earth from this earth.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Anyways, Teresa graduated from grad school this June, and since she didn't have any cap and gown photos from her prior two graduations, we did two very brief (like 10 minutes a piece) little sessions. (And yeah, it has taken me this long to edit them. Stop judging me now.) I wish she didn't have to return her gown, because I am now overflowing with ideas that feature that stunning face of hers.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
New (to me) Music
I think you can probably guess what kind of music I'm into at the moment. I'm still researching lyrics, so don't judge me if some of them are bad. k? Thanks.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Originally intended
When I was in high school, I lived in a wonderful little town in Maine, and my sister and I would walk home from school and immediately pull some bread and butter out of the fridge. Events would then proceed in such a way that the frying pan grew weary and our outrageously lovely mother scolded us for consuming so much bread, but we would just sit back and pat our tummies and sigh at the glory and simplicity of fried bread and butter. My new favorite bready snack is substantially more healthy, since those old days were full of real butter and white bread, and the new and improved days usually contain "I can't believe it's not butter" and extra extra whole grain wheat grain bread. (In reality though, it may not be anywhere near healthier. I probably just tell myself that to stave off fears of growing pant-sizes and cankles. And yes, cankles is quite a legitimate fear.)
It's this easy:
Butter (or I Can't Believe it's Not Butter) two pieces of whole wheat (or if you want to die an early death caused by your insides getting all gooped up, go for the white) bread. Lay them on some sort of oven-proof surface. I usually grab whatever is on top in the drawer. Put a VERY THIN layer of Dijon on each slice. I suppose you could use some other kind of sauciness, but I really love the flavor of Dijon with cheese. It's so.... tasty. Next, layer on a slice (or shredded equivalent. Whichever you have on hand is perfectly fine.) of your favorite cheese. Today I used some smoky sharp cheddar and a bit of mozzarella for color. I forgot to mention this earlier, but you should probably heat the oven to like 450. I don't usually look, I just turn the know until I feel comfortable.
Place those suckers (on the oven-proof surface) on the top rack. I think its better if you have the rack on the second shelf, but I haven't done enough experimenting to find out. Let them sit in that nice toasty sauna until the cheese is melted and bubbly and golden brown. If you're like me, you will probably slow the cooking process down considerably because you will want to marvel at how amazingly simple and perfect of a snack this is, so you will open the oven door to check the progress about every thirty seconds. (Patience has never really been a strong suit of mine.) If you have any willpower, resist this temptation and let your perfect little snack bask in peace in the warm red glow of the oven coils.
Indulge your fancy side, and avoid the paper plates. It will make it all the more enjoyable to pretend you have class.
Now see, the original intent of this post was to talk about my ridiculously injury prone car and how it's been seeing a whole lot of my mechanic lately, but I got so distracted by the food that I completely forgot all about my auto woes. Well done cheesy bread. Well done.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Embrace the Life you never planned on.
Friday, June 25, 2010
When the world was young
I'm currently listening to:
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The saga of the Pielette

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I'm a chef!





I think
Friday, June 4, 2010
My name is Mara and
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Pool
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The saga of the gym snobs
Sunday, May 30, 2010
First day of summer
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Life is not about conclusions
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Outside my window... A thunderstorm is brewing. My God supersedes the weather.
I am thinking... that in two weeks I will be leaving my home to spend time with my family. This is a strange reversal of the norm and another sign that I am growing up.
I am thankful for... My beautiful friends who never cease to amaze me, call me out of my sin, encourage me, and show God's love to me. (And I'm also really thankful for the ibuprofen that cured my headache.)
From the kitchen... today: quesadillas for lunch, Tomorrow: Indian style chicken for dinner.
I am wearing...sweats... as per the usual.
I am creating... essay questions for a final exam. Fabricating is probably the most fitting word, however.
I am going... to sleep for 2 straight weeks as soon as this semester is over.
I am reading... Total Church by Chester and Timmis
I am hoping... solely in the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I am hearing... Brand New, thanks to Jonathan and Quinny. I love the constantly expanding musical palette of my friends.
Around the house... What house? I live in a dorm... which is a mess. I did spend an hour scrubbing the bathroom today though, and it felt quite marvelous.
One of my favorite things... Wind. and rain. that is two things, but I think that they are possibly the two coolest phenomena in the world. Air moves fast for no apparent logical reason, making leaves rustle and hair fly and water gathers up into the sky in great fluffy bunches and then falls down to the ground and makes things grow. Incredible.
A few plans for the rest of the week... finals, finals, and more finals. Hopefully there will be some cooking and joviality thrown in there somewhere.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Faith my eyes
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Till the Sun Turns Black
It still drops me to my knees to realize that HE LOVES ME.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hawaii day 2, night 3

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hawaii day 1, night 2
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Habitual Cup of Water
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Life lessons in Personal Finance
- If it is God's money, and not my own, will I spend it frivolously on things that I don't need?
- If it is God's body, will I eat junk and not exercise?
- If it is God's time, will I spend it watching tv or putting around on Facebook?
- If it is God's car, will I speed or drive recklessly?
- If they are God's people, will I treat them abruptly, or as anything less than a magnificent part of God's creation?