Monday, September 13, 2010

wha-wha-wha- what!?

I am constantly tempted to get caught up in ego trips and pursue activities and fabricated futures that accomplish very little except my own gratification and pleasure. It is at this point that God then sits me down and strokes back the nausea that arises in my gut at my awareness that I will never be good enough to actually find pleasure in those things, and reminds me that he has provided a way out of that cycle through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He has paved a path for me that highlights him rather than me, and is so filled with purpose that my tiny little heart would burst if I could actually see all the ripples in the pond.  The anxiety that I will never be the best crawls back into it’s hiding place in the dark corners of my soul, until I am ready to let those frivolous and meaningless dreams go. In the meantime however, I take solace in the knowledge that my way is futile, but God’s way is perfection.  God is perfection.

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