Friday, June 4, 2010

My name is Mara and

I have a sugar addiction. I hate to bake, and I am a horrible baker, but if it contains sugar and goes well with a cold glass of milk, I cannot resist. In case you don't believe me, let me lay it out for you. This morning I ate a cookie at breakfast time. (It wasn't for breakfast; it actually came AFTER breakfast). I then proceeded, in between breakfast and "lunch" to eat two brownies. The fact that I can't remember what I actually ate for lunch leads me to believe that I counted the bowl of Triscuits as an adequate meal. In the afternoon I steered clear of the kitchen and thus managed to avoid the tantalizing call of the baked goods, but then right around dinner I once again succumbed to the siren call and indulged in a cookie as the appetizer to my salad. I consumed the proper amount of calories, but my poor tummy is bawling for some veggies. This lack of busyness is leading me to inordinate amounts of sugar consumption. (insert a conversation about this form of consume and how it is not what it naturally seems like it should be, here).

On the docket for tomorrow: Gym at 8, grocery shopping: commissary style, ???

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